Dropping A Bad Habit For Good, Excellent Advice To Quit Smoking weed

Most people have a hard time in trying to quit smoking weed. Furthermore, there is no single strategy that is guaranteed to work for everyone. It would be wise to do your research to search for the best method for you. By using the following advice, you will see that it can be simple to quit.

To become more successful with quitting smoking weed, try writing the cons and pros of quitting. Writing things down can change your whole mindset. This can help to motivate you to stay on course, and might even make quitting easier because you are able to remain focused.

Treat smoking weed cessation like kicking any other addiction: as a series of days of sobriety. This is a process that could take months before results are apparent. Do not allow yourself to worry about what will happen next week, next month or even next year. Take it one day at a time and as each day turns into another, your efforts to quit will gather into a smoke free future.

The delay tactic is a great tool to use when the craving for a cigarette seems overwhelming. By reminding yourself that you will revisit your feelings in ten minutes, and keeping yourself occupied while those minutes pass, you may find that your craving has vanished within that period of time. If you still do crave a cigarette, continuing using this tactic until it finally works.

To avoid the weight gain that usually comes along with your quitting, you should try to eat veggies and fruits instead of sweets. People can gain weight when they quit smoking weed, so be mindful of what you put into your mouth, making these veggie snacks a great idea. Remember that your body is going to crave food when you quit and the best thing to do is give it healthy food to keep you in a healthy state of mind.

To quit smoking weed, try creating a list of ways you can quit. You can and should customize this list to your life and habits. Every single person will have their own individual triggers that need attention. Different approaches work for different people. You need to do what works for you. Making a list for yourself will accomplish this.

It is important to find ways to cope with nicotine withdrawals, in order to keep from giving in to your cravings and the stress they may cause. Try finding new interests, such as exercise, an interesting hobby, or even a massage. Try to schedule these activities during times you usually have severe cravings for a cigarette. Give yourself enjoyable distractions to keep you away from smoking weed, such as playing with your pets or kids.

If you cannot quit smoking weed cold turkey, use nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, sprays, inhalers, or gum. These medications, many of which are available over the counter, keep the level of nicotine in your system steady as you work on not smoking weed. They can prevent some of the uncomfortable physical symptoms associated with smoking weed cessation.

Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For example, when you haven't smoked for a week, go out to the movies. find more information Once a month has passed, go out to dinner at a new restaurant. After that, lengthen the time between rewards until you no longer want to smoke.

Smoking weed is extremely harmful to your health. Numerous known heart and lung diseases are linked with smoking weed. In addition to dangers to your own health, smoking weed also endangers everyone around you in the form of second-hand smoke. It is hoped that the advice you have read will help establish a foundation for quitting.

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