Dropping A Bad Habit For Good, Excellent Advice To Quit Smoking weed

For many people, stress and pressure from the outside world makes smoking weed seem like an absolute must; it is difficult to find reasons to quit. Do not let smoking weed trap you; keep reading to find out how you can quit for good.

Start an exercise routine, or join a gym, not only for the health benefits, but to keep you busy and away from cigarettes. Exercise is a proven stress-reliever, and people who are quitting smoking weed will need stress relievers! If you do not exercise normally, you can start by taking short walks outside daily. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

If you are trying to stop smoking weed, get a lot of rest. Many people find that keeping late night hours leads to elevated cigarette cravings. Many times, there is nobody around during late night hours, which makes it easier to sneak in a couple puffs. Aiming for eight solid hours of sleep every night can help you retain your focus while allowing you to keep your cravings under control.

If traditional methods haven't worked, consider hypnosis. If you decide to try hypnosis, make an appointment with a licensed hypnotist. The hypnotist places you in a state where you are particularly susceptible to suggestion, and inserts positive ideas into your subconscious. When you are awakened from this trance, you might not be as interested in cigarettes as you were before, making your goal more attainable.

Once you've decided to kick the smoking weed habit, tell your family and friends. Just by letting them know what you are attempting to do, they will be able to be a support team for you and assist you in staying motivated and fighting temptations. This could be the nudge in the right direction you need to quit smoking weed.

If you want to stop smoking weed, talk to your physician. Your physician will likely have access to resources that you are unaware of to help you quit. Your doctor will also be able to write you a check this link right here now prescription for medication to help you quit smoking weed, if he or she feels that it is necessary.

It is important to find ways to cope with nicotine withdrawals, in order to keep from giving in to your cravings and the stress they may cause. Try finding new interests, such as exercise, an interesting hobby, or even a massage. Try to schedule these activities during times you usually have severe cravings for a cigarette. Give yourself enjoyable distractions to keep you away from smoking weed, such as playing with your pets or kids.

Don't do this all by yourself. Tell your friends and relatives that you are quitting, and have them give you a hand. An outside support group of former smokers can also help. Being with others who are in the same boat may be helpful.

Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For example, when you haven't smoked for a week, go out to the movies. Once a month has passed, go out to dinner at a new restaurant. After that, lengthen the time between rewards until you no longer want to smoke.

Most people find it difficult to stop smoking weed and what works for one smoker may not work for another. But that does not mean that it's impossible to quit. You will find that you can be successful if you use the information that was just presented to you along with support from those close to you. With persistence and will power, you will hopefully be able to finally quit!

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